OverInflated codes for April 2024 – free boosts

Last Updated on 12.04.2024

In the game OverInflated, your progression involves tapping to enhance your strength, engaging in battles with NPCs to earn belts and coins. Equipping belts serves to amplify your power multiplier. Use the coins you’ve earned to hatch eggs, acquiring pets that further boost your power. As you continue to upgrade and accumulate pets, you unlock the ability to explore new locations and confront more formidable NPCs.

Additionally, the inclusion of codes in “OverInflated” provides players with various boosts, enhancing their in-game experience.

We’ve dedicated our efforts online to gather the most recent codes for Roblox’s “OverInflated,” ensuring that you stay ahead with our updated list of active codes for April 2024. Take advantage of our working codes to enjoy temporary power boosts and increased pet luck in the game!

If you found this article useful, be sure to check out our other Roblox content. We have plenty of other freebies in our lists of Karate! codes, Tapping Adventure codes, Nightmare Elemental codes, and Tapping Masters codes.

Active OverInflated codes

  • NewWorld – 30-Minute Power Boost (NEW)
  • PetUpgrade – 30-Minute Pet Luck Boost (NEW)
  • 100like – 30-Minute Power Boost
  • welcome – 30-Minute Power Boost

Expired codes

  • There are currently no expired codes.

How to redeem OverInflated codes?

To redeem codes in Roblox’s “OverInflated,” follow these simple steps:

  • Click on the Settings Cog located in the top left corner of the screen, next to the version number.
  • Enter a valid and active code in the provided text box.
  • Click “OK.”

If the code is still active, you will receive your free rewards instantly. Enjoy the benefits of the codes and enhance your gaming experience in “OverInflated”!

How to get more codes?

To stay informed about additional codes, consider joining the Roblox group associated with the game. This group often shares the latest game news, updates, and codes with its members. Additionally, make it a habit to revisit this page regularly, as we are committed to providing consistent updates containing all the latest freebies for your benefit. Stay connected to both the Roblox Group and this page to ensure you don’t miss out on any valuable codes for April 2024 and enhancements in the game.