Pal Tower Defense Tier List (April 2024) – which pals do the most damage?

Last Updated on 04.04.2024

Greetings friends, today I’d like to share with you our unique hero tier list for our favorite Pal Tower Defense game, which borrows the best from the latest Roblox hit inspired by Palworld. In this list, we will rank all units on merit so that each player can choose the best combination of forces for their defense.

Roblox Pal Tower Defense Tier List

At the top of our tier list are heroes with incredible strength and unique abilities that can overwhelm an army of opponents. They are our real heroes, who can change the course of the battle just by their presence.

Below them are those who are no less important in defense strategy, but require careful calculation and combination. Their strength is shown by working together with other heroes to create insurmountable barriers to enemy invasion.

Finally, we also have those who may seem less important at first glance, but their skill and strategic thinking can do wonders if given the right direction and support.

  • Electrobolt
  • Queen Bee

A Tier

  • Hadesram
  • Featherfly
  • Childino

B Tier

  • Lovepaca
  • Sparkit
  • Meow

C Tier

  • Slithlander
  • Flame Fox
  • Chiclet

D Tier

  • Pew Monkey
  • Pharaoh

Don’t forget that our tier list is constantly updated according to the development of the gaming world, so stay tuned for updates and join the fight for victory in Pal Tower Defense! If you have just started playing, then know that there are codes for Pal Tower Defense with free rewards.